Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vicky Shu - Best Wallpaper of November 2011

Vicky shu. Beautiful girl from Central Java which is famous as a singer. In addition to a nice voice. Vicky also has many fans because of her beauty. He is also a professional photo model.

Best 7 Icon Wallpaper November 2011

This is the best wallpaper of 7 Icon girl band at november 2011. I like performance of this girl band.They are a pretty girl with a burning passion. 

Wallpaper Marshanda November 2011

marshanda a beautiful actress with acting talent since childhood. I am very pleased with the acting marshanda.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mulan Jameela : Rumahnya terbakar

Yahoo Indonesia melaporkan :
Kabar kebakaran rumah penyanyi Mulan Jameela yang berada di kawasan Pinang Perak Raya No 2, Pondok Pinang, Jakarta Selatan, langsung menyebar saat yang bersangkutan mentwitt status akun twitternya, @mulanjameel1: Rumah kebakaran dari listrik.. Doanya temen2.® yang datang ke lokasi, Senin (14/11/2011) menemukan kondisi rumah Mulan yang terlihat sepi, seperti tidak ada tanda-tanda bekas terjadi kebakaran. Sementara mobil Alphard hitam terlihat terparkir di dalam rumah.
Seorang pedagan yang berada di samping rumah Mulan, yang tidak mau disebutkan namanya, membenarkan kalau rumah Mulan sempat mengalami korsleting listrik. Tepatnya, Minggu (13/11/2011) usai sholat isyak.

"Cuma konslet listrik biasa, jadi blowernya konslet di kamar mandi atas. Sekitar setelah Isya lah, untung banyak yang datang," ungkap pria tersebut.
Mulan sendiri menurut sumber tersebut, panik dan langsung pergi meninggalkan rumah kemungkinan untuk menenangkan diri bersama anak-anaknya. "Panik pak, dia juga langsung pergi nggak tahu ke mana. Belum keliatan si hingga kini," ungkapnya.
"Jadi kemarin ada asap terus pada panik, terus katanya ada yang konslet untungnya langsung di semprot," tegasnya.
Mulan pun diketahui melalui akun twitternya juga menginformasikan, sudah aman berada di sebuah hotel.
@mulanjameel1: Rumah bau asep parah banget.. Terpaksa menyelamatkan anak2 nginep di hotel.. Lengkap sudah jdnya.. Lindungi aku mama dan anak2ku ya Allah. Makasih teman2 buat doanya.. Alhamdulillah aku dan keluargaku udh brd ditempat yg aman.. Luv u all

Saturday, November 12, 2011

7 icon wallpaper : First birthday girl band 7 icon

Birthday 1 Year, 7 Icons Want Not Arrogant. Not felt, October 28, 2011, girlband 7 Icons is a year old their career. And in celebration, which starts from a collection girlband girls who love to sing it claimed to want to be better.

"Blessings that we can be a lot really. During this year we are grateful wrote. But we still do not feel satisfied, so it must be more to learn and try again. We still want saving, do not want spree Spree. The material that we got, we simpen first. how early should inget first, not be arrogant, "beber PJ.

7 Icons encountered in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Saturday (29/10) also describes the early days, although the songs that made them popular Playboy It is a sentence in English, the seventh this beautiful girl admitted it was gratified by his choice.

"At first we feared Playboy can not be accepted if all the layers, be afraid only of adults wrote. But it was actually the opposite. There are still a year old, two years old, could already sing. We teach children as well let me understand English. We believe parents can educate their children. Fashion we also embrace it all, small children tetep be used, "said PJ.

7 Icons successful girlband era began back in Indonesia, after a single Playboy exploded in the market. They also briefly played in the TV series Go Go Girls, and now, they're doing promo for the single Jealous.

April Jasmin : Istri Ustadz Solmed

April jasmine akhirnya menikah dengan Ustadz Solmed pada tanggal 11 November 2011(11.11.11). April dinikahi oleh Ustadz Solmed dengan mas kawin uang tunai senilai sebesar Rp11.112.011.